Announcement – AIOH Membership

Rylan is member of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienist This enables Rylan to identify as a professional occupational hygienist.

The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienist (AIOH) is Australia’s premium professional association representing the interests of professionals that work in occupational hygiene, occupational health and safety, environmental health and allied fields.

Benefits of being a member of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienist

Being a member of the AIOH has benefits, for instance:

  • access to exclusive networks with the most successful people in occupational hygiene
  • part of a collective and collegiate ‘voice’ of occupational hygiene
  • opportunities to access regulators, government and industry
  • exclusive access to training and education programs designed to help develop a professional pathway

The AIOH membership provides the opportunity to engage with the most successful people in occupational hygiene. Membership also provides access to up to date relevant information and access to industry advocates and influencers.

What is an Occupational Hygienist?

An Occupational Hygienist uses science and engineering to measure the extent of worker exposure, and to design and implement appropriate control strategies to prevent ill health caused by the working environment. Occupational hygienists helps employers and employees understand the risks, and promotes improved working conditions and working practices.

The AIOH defines occupational hygiene as the art and science dedicated to the Anticipation, Recognition, Evaluation, Communication and Control of environmental hazards in, or arising from, the workplace that can result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community.

These hazards are normally divided into the categories of Biological, Chemical, Physical, Ergonomic and Psychosocial.

Opterra’s Occupational Hygiene services can be found here: